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Workshop: Gender, Diversity & Career Development, June 23rd, 2023

Workshops for PhD students, PostDocs & and interested researchers

May 10, 2022

On June 23rd, the workshop "Gender, Diversity & Career Development" will take place again in the new SupraFAB building (Altensteinstraße 23a, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem).

This day we will talk about diversity and communication:
·       What is the meaning of language? How can you use language in an appreciative and diversity-conscious way, e.g. in the daily work environment, in team addresses, or in research proposals?
·       How can you present your scientific topics confidently? How can I succeed in speaking in front of others with fun and confidence?
·       What role do unconscious biases play in team settings? Which strategies can help you deal with your own and others’ unconscious biases and improve teamwork?
The event is organized by Dr. Sarah Huch (Coordinator for Gender and Diversity at the Department BCP of the FU Berlin) and sponsored by the Collaborative Research Centers 1449, 1349, 1078, and the TRR 227 at the Departments BCP and Physics of the FU Berlin. Participation can be counted for credit points in the curriculum of the integrated research training network of the CRC 1349.

For registration, please send an email to gender-diversityCRC1449@bcp.fu-berlin.de, giving the information about which of the workshops you want to join! Registration is possible until June 20th.